These plugins allow SlingStudio’s live capture to be used as a proxy.
Update 3 was released in November and contains plug-in support for Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X using SlingStudio Premiere Extension and the Final Cut Pro Converter. Plus, you can use a wired camera, a wireless signal or a phone as an input device using SlingStudio’s Capture App. There’s no need to search for a power outlet batteries will power everything. SlingStudio allows for live streaming off a battery requiring no onsite power, making more remote locations possible. This means you can take cables out of the equation and simplify the process. SlingStudio can stream wirelessly using SlingStudio’s CameraLink that connects to your existing camera via HDMI. The new update expands its capability and is a free upgrade. With SlingStudio, you can pair a camera wirelessly to a hub where you switch live with an iPad. You may know Sling Media as Dish Network’s subsidiary that introduced the Slingbox that allows you to watch TV on your mobile device. SlingStudio is a new streaming solution for multi-camera switching from an iPad.

Lastly, there is an improved workflow for importing graphics. Additionally, you can now adjust audio delay manually. Next is the power to import pre-made video to use within a stream. First is the ability to upgrade HD streams to 4k in post-production. Videomaker Editors reviewed SlingStudio recently and since then, it has had a major update expanding its capabilities.